Sunday 20 March 2011

Its Been A While....

Heyy sorrry it's been a few weeks! Iv been slacking! (slap on wrist!) Iv been working far to much lately and neglected my blog for far too long!
I have been putting extra hours in work for some extra pennys as it is coming up to my most favorite time of the year! Easter!
A whole 3 days of non-stop drinking and getting to see all those faces that have been away at uni! In our lovely little town by the sea it seems everybody has the same idea every year and flocks down to the seafront for plenty of live music and lots of beer! next tattoo has been pencilled in for 29th march! And I'm uber excited! I have planned to get my left inner forearm done!! It's Gunna be a biggie!
 I have went for a idea iv thought about for quite some time now and think it's a great start to my sleeve!
I have left the design upto the tattoo artist which will consist of Roses, a vintage filigree style scissors and a cut-throat razor! A Nod to my career as a hairdresser! I have left it entirely in his hands but I know he will do a swell job!
I will post a picture up as soon as it's done! Also I promise i will update more regularly ladies!

Much love kiz Xx

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